Followers of my pages know that I attribute all of nature's forces to a singular force moment that has properties dependent upon a specific mode of interaction with the medium. We talk about a combinational transverse and longitudinal modality at nano scales, and I also describe a transverse mode for the traditionally observed modality of electromagnetic energy transfer. The modality is dependent upon scale.
So, as the scale decreases, the path of the force moment seems to be more and more longitudinal, as viewed from the perspective of a particular time base. When the scale is at the minimal granularity of the medium, a modality change makes the speed of the energy transfer exponentially faster, due to the efficiency of the reuse of existant paths, created by initial self assembly of the medium, and at a time frame that is less than the latency of that medium.
So, applying that theory of a crystallographically defined universe to magnetism, we have ...
Magnetism is simply one of the modalities of the nano scale. At this scale, the one force of universal energy creates a static field about which moments can circulate, and when the scale is small enough, those energy moments can have the high velocities attributed to built paths and the quantum scale speed known (in my parlance) as entanglement velocity.
The magnetic lines of force are real. Take a handful of metal filings, and toss them onto a paper with a magnet beneath it. Those lines are real, and contain real physical force, of the same universal type as any other, but with contraints dictated by the scale and geometry of the configuration which generates the field: for instance, a magnet with its dipole alignments.
The nanoscale is a concentrator. So, force which is diluted in the case of plantary gravity effects, is much more observable in the context of a small bit of material that, due to its alignments, is conducive to creating the concentrating field lines that we can readily observe.
The nanoscale energy paths at the miminal granularities of the medium, the longitudinally-tending force moments, and the angular momentum imparted by a geometric construct biased to impart it, conspire to push any objects within the field, to other positions.
The immediate effects on objects within the field is that of a push, but the end effect looks like an attractve pull. This the result of a complex interaction of the vortex-like moment movements, as they traverse a variety of geometries within the total tessellation. The hexagonal tessellation is irreptile in nature, and is a "chamelion" geometry that can contain many geometries. The vectors of the moments are sometimes not intuitive as they appear within the generated composite forces within the crystallographically defined scheme.
To be continued ...
Note: the author is a writer on technical subjects in some areas, of novels, and of other literature, but does not have any formal credentials related to the medical field, or in physics. Thus, this all constitutes an opinion of what might be possible, based on his own hobby-level knowledge quest
Thank you. These movements on a nano scale are being observed by the group known as the micronauts, Karl C, David Nixon, SAM, matt joab and more.
Your observations and speculations are interesting in that they express an opposite force to the force of attraction that may be responsible for the observed movements (which do seem deliberate or purposeful) and may be a "push" instead of the speculated "pull".
Perhaps it's both. The ol' push-pull.
I like your frank disclaimer. Somehow inclines me to trust what you're saying more rather than less. The ol' push-pull.
Thanks for your article. God Bless.