Light itself propagates by the self assembly of its own path. It propagates in the way of a self assembly of aetheric mesogens, following a construction that is similar to the crystallographically defined construct of matter. It shares properties with matter, but with different geometric scales and topographies. It therefore shares similarities in the manner in which it behaves - extending to the means by which it propagates.
Mesogen is a term more apropriate to liquid/solid converations, so I use the higher term “lyotropic” in my descriptions of the medium.
Einstein and Co never considered that what comprised the aether could be of such a small scale that it precluded their observational abilities at the time. To discredit a theory or potential theory based on the idea that if you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, is not a very scientific approach to physics.
If the aether is of such a scale, and is lyotropic in nature, it cannot be disproven by any of the experiments that have thus far been used to “disprove” it.
The network topology of matter is such that there is both percolation and transverse wave generation. Aetheric mesogens create a crystal topography beyond the matter from which light eminates. This medium’s crystallographically defined mechanisms allow for transverse wave formation.
The “ductwork” that a lyotropic mdium creates is reason for the observed ability for entangled pairs to preserve pinpoint-to-pinpoint connections at nano and subnano scales, even with movement of the endpoints. Of course this would be impossible without a medium conducive to it.